More Adoption Conversations
Why do adopted teenagers feel the way they do? How much of this is due to their being adopted or to the changes that puberty brings? How can parents help their children to confront and deal with the turbulence of their teenage years, their identity crises and their adoption-related problems?
This in-depth practical guide, written by an adoptive parent for adoptive parents, explores the problems that adopted teenagers (up to 18 years old) are likely to confront and provides suggestions for helpful solutions and achievable communication methods. Although the guide focuses primarily on children adopted from abroad, the practical advice offered can be helpful in relationships with any adopted young person. This invaluable guide, brimming with advice and ideas, will help parents discuss the known or unknown aspects of their adopted teenager s history and be well-equipped to communicate difficult issues. Examples of dialogue and suggested questions and answers about a range of subjects surrounding adoption add to the guide's usefulness.