Nutmeg Gets a Letter
Here’s a new title in the Nutmeg series suitable for post-adoption work with children. This book focuses on contact in adoption, again featuring Nutmeg, the small red squirrel, who with his siblings and family were first described in the popular Nutmeg Gets Adopted and Nutmeg Gets Cross. In this story, Nutmeg’s birth mother’s letter arrives late for his birthday and he is sad. As with the earlier stories, this new book offers adoptive parents and cares a practical way to help adopted children identify and explore the strong feelings likely to be aroused by contact with their birth families, often triggered by significant events in the child’s life such as birthday.
This book will help parents explain to their young adopted child why their first mummy could not look after them and that it is alright to feel both happy and sad when they think about her. The author explores the helpful role of friendships with other adopted children likely to be dealing with the same issues- Nutmeg meets Scamp, Fennel and Badge at the Woodland Families Adoption party where they exchange stories about the kind of contact they each have with members of their birth family and how they feel about this. That night, Nutmeg can’t sleep for thinking about his birth mum and wondering about all sorts of things: Why couldn’t she keep them safe? Did she miss them? Why hadn’t she written? Who has helping to look after her now?
Mummy Fern and Daddy Foxglove help him get through this difficult time and then a letter arrives with unexpected news…
Practice guidelines will help parents and professional to get the most out of the story and to deal with the often complex and emotional issues around maintaining links between adopted children and their birth families. A useful background paper on contact issues explores some of the issues further.