Angela, an African-American, was raised by a Caucasian couple in a large, multiracial family in Washington State. She was adopted at the age of one from foster care in the state of Tennessee, under the terms of a closed adoption. As Angela grew older it became apparent that the unanswered questions about her birth story would continue to haunt her if she did not attempt to find some answers. Filmed and edited by her husband Bryan, this documentary follows Angela for two years during the search for her birth family. Several twists and surprising revelations ultimately lead Angela and her family across the country to her place of birth. It is here where Angela comes face to face with her birth mother for the first time, and meets family members who had never known she was even born – including her birth father.
翻譯:非洲裔美國人 Angela 由一對白人夫婦在華盛頓州一個大型且多種族家庭中撫養長大。 根據非公開收養條款,她在田納西州的寄養家庭中僅一歲就被收養。 隨著 Angela 的長大,很明顯,如果她不嘗試尋找答案,關於她的出生故事的未解之謎將繼續困擾著她。 這部紀錄片是由她的丈夫 Bryan 拍攝和編輯的,兩年的過程中,他跟隨著 Angela 尋找自己的原生家庭。 幾經曲折和令人驚訝的啟示最終引領著 Angela 和她的家人跨越了國家,來到了她的出生地。 在這裡,Angela 首次與她的親生母親見面,並與甚至不知道她存在的家庭成員見面,包括她的親生父親。